Hi, welcome to the Coach Judi Download Library

If you have been sent a link to this page, please click on the file you wish to download.

Right-click on the file name and select from the Menu that you wish to

Save the File and select where you want the file to be saved on your computer.

The best place to save the file if you don't know how to navigate your computer is

to Save it to your Desktop.

Once you have saved a File to your Desktop,

Go to your Desktop and find the file and double-click it with your Mouse

It will open on your computer so you can see it or use it.

Brain Test - (This program has stopped working on Service Pack 3 for Windows XP, so if you are running that update, the program will not work. I've tried to find this in 64 bit and have not found it nor any other program which I think is any good. I'm sorry. If you are running an older Windows system, this program will work just fine for you. 

 Right-click this link and select with your Left Mouse button to Save the file to your Desktop.

In Internet Explorer browser select "Save Target as." That will save the file where you tell it to save, preferably to your Desktop.

In Firefox, choose "Save link as" and save it to your Desktop.

1. Go to your Desktop and find the Icon for the file, 

2. Put your mouse pointer on the icon

3. Then double-click with your left mouse button to open and start the program. 

It should work fine from your Windows desktop. I have Windows XP and I have no problem starting the program.  

Follow the directions to take the test. Have your printer turned on and paper so you can print the results of the test. This is a DOS program so you won't be able to go to your desktop again until you exit the program.

Note: You will get a picture of your brain with the percentages of usage for your Left and Right hemispheres and your Auditory and Visual quadrant uses.  You may want to have a piece of paper handy so you can make a drawing of this picture since it will NOT be printed out for you in your results. . 

Math and Algebra You CAN DO - Right-click this link and select with your Left Mouse button to Save the file to your Desktop.

In Internet Explorer browser select "Save Target as." That will save the file where you tell it to save, preferably to your Desktop.

In Firefox, choose "Save link as" and save it to your Desktop.

Go to your Desktop and find the Icon for the file and double-click to open.  You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the course and then you can print it out to paper if you like.


Frank's Video of BoRat Flying Over His House 2-15-13

Right-click this link and select with your Left Mouse button to Save the file to your Desktop.

In Internet Explorer browser select "Save Target as." That will save the file where you tell it to save, preferably to your Desktop.

In Firefox, choose "Save link as" and save it to your Desktop.

1. Go to your Desktop and find the Icon for the file, 

2. Put your mouse pointer on the icon

3. Then double-click with your left mouse button to open and start the program with Quicktime.

4. If you don't have Quicktime, you will need to download and install it to see this video. It's free at:




Starving for The Triumvirate Warrior Series Pgs 1- 129

Right-click this link and select with your Left Mouse button to Save the file to your Desktop.

In Internet Explorer browser select "Save Target as." That will save the file where you tell it to save, preferably to your Desktop.

In Firefox, choose "Save link as" and save it to your Desktop.

Go to your Desktop and find the Icon for the file and double-click to open.  You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the book and then you can print it out to paper if you like or just read it inside Acrobat.  This is the first half of the book and the second half is still in progress..